
It's been a while. Lately I have seen an abundance of engagement announcements, wedding post, gender reveals. Everyone I went to school with has graduated college and started a career. Yet here I am, stuck. Another relationship failed, working overtime at a job to make ends meet. No kids, no degree, no nothing. Stuck. I... Continue Reading →

Spring time blues

I always find myself losing every bit of progress I've made. The whole 1 step forward 2 steps back, couldn't be realer. Why is it that the sunniest time is my hardest? Spring mania, as my doctor calls it never fails to ruin my relationships. 4 I've ended in April. It was never them, they... Continue Reading →

Somewhere in between

It's such a sunny day, so many possibilities. I have this moment of stillness upon me. I'm somewhere between chapters. Not significant chapters of my life just of my mentality. I've always just wanted to rush through life and wanted to be where I was going. That's no longer the case. For once I'm embracing... Continue Reading →

Appreciate Time

Always make the best of the situation. I'll be the first to admit I often wish days gone. When it isn't going my way or just drags on. But we never realize that day isn't coming back. Instead of me making time to do something I enjoy, or taking time to make someone else's day,... Continue Reading →

Be content with the unknown

Everyone always expects you to have your life in order. As if we know what comes next. The thought of not always having control is nerve racking. But so is thinking that we waste the time we have worrying. So let's embrace it. My bio says it all, "I am doing the best I can... Continue Reading →

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